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The Design of Perception

Wang Kaifang

My Incertitude of “the Origin of Species by Means of Evolution” 

Since my childhood years, I have been perplexed by many things: Why does evolution bring animals with long necks, long noses or white-black stripes? Why does evolution bring animals with two or four legs, those with eight legs who run sidewards, those with dozens of legs who move slowly, and those with no leg but moving really fast? No single animal seems to look perfect, with its baffling yet real existence. If it were out of evolution, animals should have looked all the same, not so vastly different. So I began to feel that it was not out of evolution but out of an improvising “Designer” who designed a magical appearance before deciding its function, so that the creatures on the earth can live in its niche. It seems that the “Theory of Design”, as the theme of my book, gives answers to my incertitude about the Theory of Evolution. My book “the Origin of Species by Means of Design” therefrom comes into being.

My Firm Belief 

My Firm Belief – I used to keep two different cats. When I ran into thesetwo pictures of two cats and rabbits, I was shocked by the intraspecific difference and the interspecific resemblance. I could tell that the rabbit and the cat,with shocking resemblance,are the work of one “Designer”. Since then, I have grown more convinced that the origin of species is by means of design. 

Perceiving “Love”

Issac Newton began to feel and study the gravitational pull of the earth when hit by a falling apple. But had it ever crossed his mind why a tree’s trunk grows upward despite the gravitation? One day, I realized the reason behind when people described the trees as umbrellas. In spring, leaves and trunks go upward not for flaunting, but providing a cooling shelter for animals aground in the hot summer. Leaves fall in autumn, not because of subjection to coldness but making way for sunray to warm the chilly ground. I suddenly saw the whole thing in a clear light and found the answer. It turns out that the Grand Wisdoms have designed everything with love. This love, not for being thanked or felt, has been there for aeons. That’s what truly beautiful and great design is about. I henceforth grew convinced of the “Theory of Design” and reverent of the Grand-Wisdom Designers, whose artful hands make a world of love.

Exploring “Essence”

Creationism has existed since times immemorial. The “Theory of Design” is centered more on exploring the essence of the Grand-Wisdoms design, the fundamentals and the manners. The Theory of Evolution describes the phenomenon, and the “Theory of Design”, with the development of science, reveals the underlying fundamentals of the Grand-Wisdoms design, that is, why is it designed and how is it designed. 

Redefining “Design”

Design is no longer a pre-creation scheming, but an overall process of far more smart and flexible mix of design and creation. Design, in general, refers to any purposeful creation and its result, including will, idea, method, process and production. Design can cover, integrate and impact all fields and time-space continuums. Design has a universal law, abiding by the law of the Grand-Wisdoms design. As far as man is concerned, design permeates all aspects of the society, including political, economic, military, cultural, artistic, philosophical, scientific and religious acts. Design is elevated by the increasing perception of man, and guides his cognition and imagination, while fueling and witnessing the evolution of mankind. 

Redefining Perception

Perception is not parallel but superordinate to other senses. It’s the root of all other abilities. Though it’s innate and pre-determined, perception can be enhanced in many ways. Different perceptions lead to different results. Perception affects man’s insight, judgment, imagination, action, creativity, wisdom and love. A crucial and fundamental ability, man’s perception determines the direction, method, speed, force and result of man’s evolution. 

Redefining “Divine Beings”

Divine beings refer to all the Grand Wisdomssuperordinate to human. Instead of a singular presence, divine beings are a group with a strict caste system, each endowed with respective ability, intelligence and existing in different hierarchies of time-space. Those of higher ranks can guide those of lower ranks. The divine beings superordinate to human create the Earth, while higher-rank divine beings create the universe; there are even top-rank divine beings beyond human perceptions. There are, though, divine beings lower than human, who have designed the micro-world. The Divine Beings world is not absolutely perfect. Divine beings of all ranks evolve and climb the ladder of ascension in their respective designing process. The overall universe, from the macro to the micro, is designed by the Divine Beings. They have their eyes on us, guide us and are around us.